Ready to break free from self-doubt and reclaim your boundless creativity?

Creative blocks, a painfully difficult creative process, emotional ups and downs and many other creative hurdles all share a common enemy: self-doubt. Yet, you can overcome it and reclaim your boundless creativity!

Here we focus on amplifying a connection to your creative identity that integrates your multiple selves to shed unhealthy self-doubt - for good! 

Stand strong off the beaten path and embrace your unique creative identity and unique life path: together, let's create lasting change


Rosa is a creativity coach specialising in self-trust, emotional healing and expansive creativity. She helps filmmakers, artists and cultural creatives seal an inspired connection to their creative and emotional selves with lasting results.
Photo of Rosa Abidi


Online Programme

This programme is a deep dive into the rich thread of your past, present and future to break free from self-doubt, get a solid sense of direction and add depth, layers and fluidity to your creativity. Know who you are and where you’ve come from, to forge an authentic and inspiring bond with your evolving creative identity.

From Creative Block to Flow

Creativity Coaching

Are you stuck? Do you need a fresh pair of eyes? Do you feel you have veered off course? Is something off, disconnected or missing? Do you feel your current iteration doesn't match your creative vision?


  • Book Your Free Discovery Call

    You get to discuss what you're stuck with, and what your needs and goals are in a 30 minute complimentary call with Rosa. Choose the slot that is convenient for you through the 'Schedule Time with Me' button below.

  • Agree on the way forward

    You receive an agreement with the terms, including the timeframe for the turnaround and our 1:1 session.

  • Make the agreed payment

    The cost is contingent on the type of project and its length. For example reading a script or a book takes a lot more time than viewing a short or a feature film. The payment is done via Stripe or bank transfer.

  • Provide the material you would like reviewed

    Depending on the type of project and your inclination, this can be either provided digitally or as a hard copy.

  • Book your 1:1 Creativity Coaching Session

    Have your one hour audio or video call for the creative feedback with Rosa, where you get unstuck on your creative project and get back on track.

  • Receive a Summary of your Creativity Session

    Within 7 days of the 1:1 session, receive the main points discussed to refer to in your own time.

Book Your Free 30-minute Discovery Call


“Rosa gave me the keys to open up to my dormant, buried creativity. She has led me to ask myself what I truly love to do, like a real midwife, giving me the incredible opportunity to finally reconnect to my path: documentary filmmaking! Everything is now flowing more smoothly and my work is taking shape. I am not continually questioning myself anymore, because thanks to these explorations, I've finally been able to come into my own. I can't thank her enough! Thank you Rosa for this priceless gift.”

“Rosa is magical: she goes to the core of all you are and helps you to bring to light all the healing and love you deserve.”

“When I met Rosa, I was - as many of us are at some point in our lives, at a crossroads. There were many possible directions, but with such a disconnect with my inner self, I was unable to move forward and know what I really wanted. Everything was mixed up in my mind. I had lost perspective, and above all, I had lost faith in my ability to move forward. Rosa helped me to take a step back, re-centre myself and find the serenity I had lost long ago. Rosa is an intuitive person who has the will and ability, not to help us understand what we should or should not do, but to help us understand ourselves, so that we may determine what is best for one's self. Thank you Rosa for helping me re-learn to love, know and have confidence in myself. And to have faith in life.”

“Rosa’s presence is one of the most positive I have ever come across. In her sessions, Rosa takes on a more holistic approach by considering multiple factors which include not only the mental or emotional aspect, but also the spiritual and physical aspect. Her sessions have inspired me as they have given me a better insight of my inner capabilities, and how I can apply them to the outer world. She is one of a kind, and she will put 110% on helping you reach your highest potential and inner peace.”

“Rosa's incredible ability to sense what we're going through and what's going on inside us, makes her much more than a therapist. She is a kind of a guide.”

“With Rosa, I leapt forward. With great finesse, she brought me to reflect on myself in a way that I had never done before. Today, I have found the inner peace that I missed so much, and I approach life with much more serenity. I am grateful for the precious help that Rosa gave me, and I can't recommend her highly enough. She brings a lot to the table and helped me find peace of the soul, which is worth its weight in gold.”

  • Member of the British Society of Clinical Hypnosis
  • Associate of the Society of Authors